Thursday, January 22, 2009

Listening to...

The Fear by Lily Allen. It's catchy and I like her voice. Not much to it other than that. 

My dad is married. It's official. For his 50th birthday, I wrote him the most honest letter I have ever written anyone. I told him I loved him, respected him, but didn't want to lose him. He told me I wouldn't lose him, but I feel like I already have. 

I feel replaced. 

I'm no longer his main concern. His concentration is always with her and rarely with me. They have their fun times together while I stay behind. Those used to be our fun times. They've been replaced. 

I'm hurt. And I'm lost. 

I've lost a father and gained a newly wed man. 

My friend told me her mom is waiting to marry her boyfriend until she moves out. I wish my dad could've done the same. But instead, he's going to spend his time with his new wife rather than with his daughter who will be moving away from home in the next 5 months. 

Thanks for the memories.